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Ushers serve as the first point of contact for many guests who join us, they help prepare for Mass, greet those who join us help people with books, seating, the collection and an orderly flow for communion.

Sunday Socials

Every Sunday Mass is followed by potluck snacks (which everyone is encouraged to bring), volunteers are required to make Coffee and juice and to set up and clean up the snacks. Volunteers are asked to sign ups for a month with another family or individual and they can split the duties as they see fit. 


Our choir provides music for all our liturgical celebrations the Sunday choir meets before Sunday Mass to rehearse. Music is provided free of charge. All skill levels are welcome though an ability to read music is helpful. Use the button below to contact our Music Director. 

Altar Server

All young (& more experienced) men who have received their first communion are invited to serve our Lord at the Altar. Training is provided 

Airport Pickup & Drop Off

We need driver to pick Father up from the Airport in the morning and drop him off there after Mass. 

Collection Counters

Sign up to help count the Sunday Collection. Volunteers must be pre approved and 18 years of age or older. 

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