Below are just a few great resources to help you better understand and grow in your faith and understanding through the ministry of the Ordinariate.
Anglicanorum Coetibus
The Apostolic Constitution of Pope Benedict XVI of happy memory, providing for personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Divine Worship:Daily Office
This is the Ordinariate's own version of the Daily Office (the breviary) drawing from the best of the English Prayer Book tradition.

Pew Missal
This is a pew missal of the the ordinary parts of the Mass according to Divine Worship: The Missal
Ordinariate Audio
Addresses by the Most Rev.'d Steven J. Lopes. This unofficial archive gathers Bishop Lopes' teaching presentations and other remarks and makes them readily accessible in an audio format.
Ember Days Booklet
This booklet written by one of our parishioners explains the traditional practice of Ember Days